One Small Step is a flexible installation intended to document and honor sexual assault survivors. Borrowing from the rich traditions of fiber arts and storytelling, each experience is embroidered onto a strip of fabric and connected to other stories until they span the hanging height of the gallery wall. The piece is designed to continuously morph and grow, taking over any available space.
This installation aims to create a physical experience of discomfort and awe at the magnitude of sexual assault in our society. Through a survivor's own words, each story takes on its own life with its own specificities, while becoming part of a greater whole, a canvas of assault that spans generations. This chronicle of human experience is but the first step, a small step, towards changing the way our society views assault, and the people who survive it.
In an effort to continue growing One Small Step. beyond my MFA program, I am gathering brief, first-person experiences of sexual assault and harassment in order to shine a light on a very pervasive and harmful cultural phenomenon.
This is a safe space to tell your story anonymously and without judgement. If you would like to be a part of this project, feel free to record your story below.
By submitting this form you agree to have your story included in a piece of publicly-viewable art. For this reason, I ask you please refrain from including identifying information of others including names. I appreciate your time and personal reflection.